If You Break Through Ice
- Don't panic.
- Do not remove any protective gear. Your snowmobile suit and helmet may keep you afloat for several minutes.
- Get your head above the surface of the water, and get your breathing under control.
- Swim to the edge of the solid ice you were on before you fell in. Keep your gloves on.
- If you have a sharp object such as a knife or ice pick, jab it into the ice so that you can pull on it.
- Kick your feet as hard as you can, and pull yourself up quickly with your forearms. Do not put all your weight on your elbows.
- If the edge breaks off, move forward to the next solid edge and try again.
- Crawl up onto the ice, and then crawl or roll (but don't stand—you may break through again) until you're on solid ice.
- Take action immediately to prevent hypothermia.
If You Cannot Self-Rescue
- If you break through ice and are unable to get yourself out of the freezing water:
- Get your arms and as much of your upper body as possible out of the water.
- Keep your arms still. Hopefully your clothes will freeze to the ice and keep you from falling back into the water.
- Call for help by yelling or using a signaling device.