Operating at Night or in Low-Light Conditions

- Slow down and watch for others at night or in low-light conditions.
- Be cautious on overcast days.
- Establish a point of reference when riding on large, open fields after dark. Estimating distances and directions may be difficult.
Night Riding
- Accidents that occur at night usually involve snowmobiles running into stationary objects, such as trees, that come into view unexpectedly.
- Drive slowly so that you have time to recognize danger and react.
- Never “overdrive your headlight.” Make sure you can stop within the length of your headlight beam. A snowmobile high beam is effective for about 200 feet (60.96 meters). To avoid a collision, travel slower than 30 mph (48.3 km/h). The stopping distance at this speed is about 220 feet (67.06 meters).
- Always take these safety precautions.
- Make sure your lights work properly, are clean, and are free of snow.
- Don't travel in unfamiliar areas.
- Stay on established trails. Don't blaze a new trail in the dark.
- Always carry a flare or flashlight for emergency signaling.
- Always ride in a group of two or more—never alone.
- If you stop, pull off the trail so that you won't be a hazard to others.
- Be careful when riding in freezing rain because your face shield may freeze over.